Late last week, I got my manuscript of THE LAIRS back from my friend Carly. She offered to beta-read the ms for me, and of course I said yes. I met Carly through The Shit No One Tells You About Writing podcast community, where I’ve met the bulk of my other writing friends. Having a great beta reader like Carly — a natural fit for my my target reader audience — is such a gift. She’s smart, clever, funny, and adorable. She made insightful comments within the ms and we talked about them on a Zoom meet last week. I’m now working on incorporating her suggestions into the ms.
The podcast also led me to three of my other beta readers — Tara (who is also in my writing group, The Bumbles), Hannah, and Kit. Also in The Bumbles is Emily, Bridget, and Ashley, who read several chapters of both THE GALLANT and THE LAIRS in the writing process, and offered brilliant suggestions. The manuscript is also in the hands of my friend Zilpha, a great copy editor and a whip-smart reader of literary fiction. I’ve also been lucky enough to have my best friend, Dan, read for me, as well as Robbie (a fellow author) and Sharon (an author and creative-writing teacher).
Once I get the ms back from everyone, I’ll read through their suggestions and comments and tweak the manuscript as needed. If more than one reader flags the same issue, I’ll know I have a bit of work to do before sending to my agent.
How lucky am I to have great beta readers like these kind people! I know what a time commitment it is to read a book for a friend, and I appreciate it more than they’ll ever know. One day I hope to add their names to an acknowledgements page!